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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureThe Theatre Student

My Artsed Singing Recall Experience

Hello guys! So it's been a long time since I've shared my experiences but I thought I owe you an update on my Artsed audition that was now about a year ago.

So, I was given another 4 months to prepare my contemporary song and I'm not going to lie but because I was already at the sixth form I did get quite a lot of help including singing lessons and help with choosing my song from the people who would eventually be auditioning me. I know this is a very special case but then again I'm not going to lie!

Those 4 months I also finally learnt how to belt and sing more contemporary musical theatre songs as a part of my BTEC course which I know helped me because I was able to show off all my new vocal qualities that I wouldn't have been able to do at my first audition. I found 3 songs that were suitable for my voice and casting type and from there I narrowed it down to 'the one' with the help of the guy who was auditioning me. On another note though, if you'd like to message or email me about song choices I would gladly tell you if the song would be suitable either legit or contemporary!

Anyways, the recall day came around and I was nervous but confident. I went into the audition room and sung my new song ('Stranger to the Rain' from Children of Eden) as well as my legit song ('My Lord and Master' from The King and I) and did song vocal exercises that tested my range and vocal capabilities. Then I was done! It was a very short audition and I could go back to 'school' which was only a flight of stairs away.

The waiting process was so much harder though. Unlike the previous time where I waited less than 24 hours, I had to wait about 5 weeks without hearing anything. I assumed I was on the waiting list (which I wasn't because I never got an email saying I was) and I asked my teachers to ask the degree staff when I would find out.

I finally got an email at the end of the the Easter holidays saying I got a place which really was a dream come true. I was really surprised because I'd only got off the waiting list at GSA the day before and I'd decided I was going to go there! But Artsed was my top choice so I had to take it. I was actually so scared the next few days though because I was worried they'd sent it to me by accident because they don't put your name in the email but that was me just being paranoid because I got my acceptance letter and pack in the mail a few days later!

My auditioning experience was a whirlwind and a bit long winded but it turned out a success and that's all that matters. I'm now halfway through my first year of the Musical Theatre degree course at Artsed and honestly it's all that I imagined it to be!

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